Through a human-centered, design thinking approach, we bring an ordered methodology to our work.

how we work

We divide all our projects up into two rooms – the Strategy Room and the Implementation Room.

The Strategy Room is our lab and it’s a mandatory first stop for all projects – no exceptions. In the Strategy Room, we will lead the effort to define the problem, conduct research, gather insights, and build your plan.

Once our work in the Strategy Room is complete, we can either hand off the research and plan to you for your own implementation, or we can move into the Implementation Room with you and execute the plan.


Albert Einstein is quoted as saying that if he had one hour to save the world, he would spend 55 minutes defining the problem and 5 minutes finding the solution.

As the backbone of our philosophy and inspiration for how we can most efficiently help you, this mindset speaks to a core belief: the quality of the solutions we provide to you will be in direct proportion to the quality of the description of the problem we’re trying to solve. In other words, let’s seek first to understand before being understood.

Defining the problem

Mystery or Puzzle?

We define every project as either a Mystery or a Puzzle. Mysteries are ambiguous and pioneering, offering an undefined path forward – e.g., new products, new brand, new positioning, new markets. 

Puzzles are known questions to be answered, with data available, a track record, and well-defined variables – e.g., improving media coverage, supplier interactions, employee engagement. No matter which type of problem you’re looking to solve, we will guide you through a clear and ordered process that will give you certainty and visibility at every step.

The heart of our approach is empathy. Our logo is an illustration of the molecular structure for oxytocin, a neuropeptide released by the brain to promote social bonding and empathy.

We believe that meaningful engagement begins and ends with empathy – understanding the needs, wants, desires, fears, risks, and hopes of the people with whom you want to connect. Coupled with a complete toolbox of behavioral science research methods, this mindset enables us to build the optimal foundation for your project – rooted in insights, focused on what matters most.

Insights from Decision Science


If you need the entire project managed by the experts at Engagement Lab, we can do that for you. 

Covering everything from creative development, copywriting, film/photography, direct contact with media/employees/ suppliers/customers, event planning and coordination, and results analysis, our full-service scope allows you to rest easy and focus on other things.

Full Scope

Having developed the foundation and plan with you in the Strategy Room, we are also well positioned to take a more limited role in the implementation of the plan. 

Even though our partial role would be focused on specific areas, you’ll know that we understand the bigger picture, so all the parts come together in a cohesive manner for the best results.

Partial Scope